Georgian american alloys

отзывы ИнфотелGeorgian American Alloys -American manufacturer of ferroalloys. The company owns several manganese deposits in Chiatura, Georgia. Ferroalloys are produced from them in Sestafoni, and the Varziche hydroelectric plant is also part of the complex. 
According to the US International Trade Commission, GAA is controlled by a Ukrainian private group. 
Subsidiary Felman Trading is a distribution company. Felman Production, based in New Haven, West Virginia, produces ferromanganese, CC metals and ferrosilicon alloys in Calvert City, Kentucky.


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Head office in Kyiv:
03110, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Solomenskaya St., 3, office 104
Tel.: +380 (44) 520 2030
Fax: +380 (44) 520 2028
Representative office in Tbilisi:
Georgia, Tbilisi, Tsereteli Ave 116, 0119
Tel.: +995 (32) 234 16 09
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