Video surveillance and access control

Video surveillance systems are a combination of modern technologies that are focused on specific goals. The main goal is to improve the level of security in a specific area. Today, the popularity of these systems is increasing not only among investors and business owners, but also among ordinary people, because the price gradation, based on the tasks set, is available to almost everyone. There is no doubt that this trend in the development and improvement of security systems will only have an upward trend.
Системы видеонаблюдения

Modern video surveillance systems (CCTV) is a software and hardware complex consisting of video cameras, lenses, monitors, recorders and other equipment, and is designed to organize video monitoring both at local facilities and at geographically distributed facilities.

At the moment, video surveillance systems allow you to establish video control over objects of any complexity, and the work of operational personnel on it does not require high qualifications. Both digital video recorders (DVR) and ordinary computers with a video capture card are used as recording devices. Among the advantages of DVRs are the functions of a quad (multiplexer), video motion detector, video recorder, etc. Also, modern video recorders are equipped with a network or modem interface, which allows you to transfer video data over the IP protocol. Unlike DVR systems, systems based on personal computers have a wider range of functionality, high performance and archive capacity, as well as an interface familiar to PC users.

Video surveillance is today an integral part of any modern security system. 
The main tasks solved with the help of video surveillance:

  • visual control of the situation at the guarded object - provides information to the observation post in multi-screen mode (in standby mode) or in full-screen mode (image from one TV camera in full screen) in real time. This provides the ability to make operational decisions adequate to a specific situation;
  • the possibility of organizing continuous video recording of video surveillance on a digital video recorder or a computer system - it allows documenting the fact of a violation and provides an opportunity for an effective analysis of each situation;
  • performing security alarm functions when using motion detectors of video cameras or external security sensors and informing the system operator about an alarm in the monitored area using a light or sound warning signal. At the same time, triggering a motion detector can automatically activate recording for a complete registration of an alarm situation, start one of the many scenarios of the system's response - starting executive mechanisms, changing the operating mode of a system component, launching other applications, or a combination of all these events.

Video Management System (VMS) and video analytics solutions are a set of computerized algorithms that automatically analyze live or recorded video without the need for human intervention. The integration of video analytics with network video surveillance systems allows the operator to more effectively detect, prevent, respond and investigate incidents.

Системы видеонаблюдения

Milestone develops the world's leading IP-based video management solutions for all organizations and enterprises, as well as video analytics. Milestone solutions are proven solutions that work. Integrated with leading camera manufacturers, Video Management Systems (VMS), allowing users to deploy the best-in-class systems that best suit their needs. 
Benefits of choosing Milestone:

  • Scalability. Full set of video analytics functionality with the ability to use up to 5000 cameras supported.
  • Flexibility. Any combination of analytics applications on each camera without limits.
  • Accuracy. Proven technology ensures high detection rates and low false alarm rates.
  • Automatic setup and calibration. Automated tools for easy, fast and efficient setup that eliminate the need for manual camera calibration.
  • Strength. Excellent results in challenging environments, indoor and outdoor scenes, in various weather conditions with camera types (fixed, PTZ, panoramic and thermal).
  • Interaction. Integration with leading camera manufacturers and video management systems.

Most often, when choosing equipment for a video surveillance system, a choice is made between analog and IP video surveillance. Hybrid CCTV systems are also used based on business needs. 
Analog CCTV systems are simpler and cheaper, but less optional than IP CCTV. For small objects, the capabilities of these systems are quite sufficient. Applications: apartments, country houses, summer cottages, offices, parking lots, small retail outlets, beauty salons, hotels and hotels. 
An analog video surveillance system consists of three main parts:

Системы видеонаблюдения


  • Analog video camera - converts an optical image into a video signal.
  • Video recorder - processes the signal received from the camera, records and archives information. Programmed for a certain number of video streams.
  • Monitor is a display device. Provided for viewing the necessary frames in on-line mode or frames from the archive. Allows you to monitor the situation for one or all cameras at the same time.

Analog video cameras can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors. Both fixed and PTZ cameras are used depending on the system requirements. The cost of fixed cameras is much lower than that of PTZ cameras, and the installation requirements are very simple. This is a big plus when choosing the type of cameras for building complex security systems. 
The main disadvantage of analog video surveillance systems is that the transmission of high-frequency image signals is practically unprotected from interference, which leads to an unclear image. For this reason, digital video surveillance systems are becoming more common. 
In digital video surveillance systems, the signal is transmitted digitally, which significantly reduces the influence of external factors and interference. To build typical digital video surveillance systems, the following are used:Системы видеонаблюдения

  • IP - cameras receive video in digital format, track movement, without the participation of the human factor, they can independently connect to a web server. IP cameras can be configured from a browser, communication between all cameras can be carried out not only via local networks, but also via Wi-Fi, which is an advantage. If necessary, cameras will be able to transmit the learned video instantly to a central server. IP cameras have a number of advantages: availability of all kinds of sensors, image clarity, simultaneous sound and video recording and other additional features;
  • Digital Video Recorders (NVR) - Provide security. You can add additional CCTV cameras and expand the storage array. A backup system for storing information is provided. Digital recorders can work with an extensive number of objects, transmitting data to a central point;
  • Personal computers with a video capture card;
  • IP - video servers. The ability to control cameras, process video streams, adjust image parameters. There can be single-channel IP video servers or four-channel network video servers. In addition to cameras, you can connect additional external devices to them;
  • Software. Allows you to manage settings and administer cameras and other equipment, analyze video stream data, record and view video at the same time. Provides a large arsenal of video analytics tools.

Based on the requirements for the performance of the video surveillance system, you can use digital or analog equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.


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Digital video surveillance systems are very easy to scale, make it possible to use PC-servers that record and store data, use a wide selection of software that will meet the necessary requirements for existing tasks. 
Design is the first step in defining requirements and goals for security systems. A site survey and an audit of the existing infrastructure will help determine these goals and requirements for the design of a video surveillance system. 

At the design stage, the main criteria to be determined are:

  • Network topology. 
  • The type of video surveillance system that will be installed. 
  • The optimal composition of equipment with the required power level, PoE technology. 
  • Locations of cameras, taking into account coverage areas, panning.
  • Operational requirements for object identification.

Infotel specialists will help you to choose the best solution in a qualified manner that meets all the necessary requirements for a video surveillance system on the most reliable equipment from well-known manufacturers. 
Why is it profitable to cooperate with us:

  • We have direct contracts with manufacturers, which allows us to make optimal proposals from an economic point of view.
  • Availability of licenses. We and our partners have all the necessary licenses for the implementation of objects of any complexity in Ukraine and not only.
  • Technical expertise. Our architects, planners and technicians regularly undergo training directly from manufacturers, and also have vast practical experience.
  • Project management. Our managers complete 98% of projects on time, in accordance with the customer's technical specifications, specified quality and within the planned resources.

You can order the calculation of the video surveillance system from our manager.

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