
отзывы ИнфотелThe State Savings Bank of Ukraine is a Ukrainian bank, the second in terms of assets and the largest in terms of the number of branches of all banks in Ukraine. State owned. As of January 1, 2018, the bank's net assets amounted to UAH 234 billion. As of August 1, 2020, the bank's national network includes about 2448 branches, almost 3309 ATMs and 3189 payment terminals. More than 60 thousand trade POS-terminals are connected to the bank's processing. The client Internet banking "Oschad 24/7" operates.

Awards 2021

Official website: https://oschadbank.ua/

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Head office in Kyiv:
03110, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Solomenskaya St., 3, office 104
Tel.: +380 (44) 520 2030
Fax: +380 (44) 520 2028
e-mail: infotel@infotel.ua
Representative office in Tbilisi:
Georgia, Tbilisi, Tsereteli Ave 116, 0119
Tel.: +995 (32) 234 16 09
e-mail: infotel@infotel.ge
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