PZU Ukraine

отзывы ИнфотелThe tradition of the PZU Group dates back to 1803, when the first insurance company Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń Spółka Akcyjna (PZU SA) (General Insurance Institution Joint Stock Company) was founded in Poland.

Leader in the travel insurance market

The largest number of those traveling abroad entrust their safety to the Ukrainian PZU. The most popular destinations among our tourists are the countries of Europe, Asia and the USA.

Leader among the TOP-20 insurance companies in terms of premiums of e-CTP policies

ROM Ukraine - No. 1 in terms of the number of contracts and the number of premiums received under e-policies of OSAGO (Avtograzhdanka) for the period 2018-2019:

Leader in the category of agricultural insurance

ROM Ukraine is recognized as No. 1 according to the collected awards, industry rating for 2018-2019 (9 months)

PZU remains a reliable company that closely monitors its financial performance

In 2012, the company switched to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Reporting for 2012-2016 confirmed by the auditing company Deloitte & Touch USC (USA) and the international consulting firm KPMG Europe LLP (Holland).

Official website: https://www.pzu.pl/

Get a free consultation
Head office in Kyiv:
03110, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Solomenskaya St., 3, office 104
Tel.: +380 (44) 520 2030
Fax: +380 (44) 520 2028
e-mail: infotel@infotel.ua
Representative office in Tbilisi:
Georgia, Tbilisi, Tsereteli Ave 116, 0119
Tel.: +995 (32) 234 16 09
e-mail: infotel@infotel.ge
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