Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise


About Alcatel-LucentThe company was founded in 1898 in Alsace (France) as the Compagnie Générale d'Electricité (CGE), and subsequently became one of the leaders of the global telecommunications market. The headquarters of the company was located in Paris. In December 2006, the management of Alcatel was decided to merge the company with a major competitor - the American company Lucent Technologies.

Incorporated and is now an international company began to wear the name of Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

Today, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise supplies to Ukraine wide range of products and solutions for mobile, fixed and corporate communications:

InfoTel company is a certified partner of Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, level Expert Business Partner in the field of corporate communications and unified communications.

Official Website:


Сертификат Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise         


OmniSwitches switches have been securing US federal networks for more than 20 years


 OmniSwitch 6860(E and N) Stackable LAN Switch     OmniSwitch 6860(E and N) Stackable LAN Switch

 Certificate JITC

If you are interested in a full consultation on products manufactured by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, please contact us at the office:

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Head office in Kyiv:
03110, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Solomenskaya St., 3, office 104
Tel.: +380 (44) 520 2030
Fax: +380 (44) 520 2028
Representative office in Tbilisi:
Georgia, Tbilisi, Tsereteli Ave 116, 0119
Tel.: +995 (32) 234 16 09
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