IT equipment and software services with separate applications

Сервисное обслуживание ИТ-оборудования и программного обеспечения по разовым заявкам (без договора)

IT equipment and software services with separate applications (without contract)

From time to time, most companies are faced with the need to detect and eliminate "floating" malfunctions in complex situations and peak loads after performing complex and non-standard tasks related to IT equipment maintenance, restoring the ability of IT systems to work after software or hardware downtime.

In order to promptly eliminate malfunctions and solve non-standard tasks, the company must have certified specialists for each type of equipment used in the company. For pre-processing of tasks before setting up the main system in the demo device.

But even fulfilling all the above conditions does not guarantee the company that their staff specialists will be able to quickly perform the tasks set before them or promptly eliminate the problem. To solve such problems, it is extremely important for technical specialists to have practical experience in developing non-standard device algorithms, troubleshooting and elimination.

The specialists of our company, in practice, have to deal with non-standard situations on a daily basis. They are constantly monitoring changes in hardware modules and software versions, testing new capabilities of IT devices on demos, testing different device models for protocol compatibility, and interacting correctly with each other.

Before performing complex and non-standard maintenance tasks on the client's core IT system, our company's technical specialists model the situation on our demo device, compile a list of commands required for maintenance, and process their input sequence. After debugging, the system is tested and, at the client's request, the client's technical specialists are given access to the demo device for testing. After receiving confirmation from the client about the verification of the realized functional capabilities, our specialists perform the maintenance of the client's basic IT system upon request.

We offer the following list of separate support services (without contract):

Depending on the type and complexity of the work, and whether or not the client is able to remotely connect to the IT system, service may be provided on a case-by-case basis by remote or on-site specialist.

The performance of works on the basis of separate applications involves payment according to the tariff and depends on the time spent to perform it. Below are the service tariffs for individual applications based on the types of equipment:

Download rates

Rates for corporate sector equipment (B2B systems)

As there is no contractual relationship between our companies for the provision of technical support services at the time you apply for one-time work, a mandatory condition for the performance of the work is a permanent service contract or 100% prepayment. Deadlines for responding to one-time applications and completing tasks are not regulated.

We offer provision of professional assistance in solving difficult and non-standard tasks, as well as in emergencies.

Contact us!


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Head office in Kyiv:
03110, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Solomenskaya St., 3, office 104
Tel.: +380 (44) 520 2030
Fax: +380 (44) 520 2028
Representative office in Tbilisi:
Georgia, Tbilisi, Tsereteli Ave 116, 0119
Tel.: +995 (32) 234 16 09
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