LAN protection

компьютерная безопасность

It is difficult for SMEs to understand how to maintain the network of their organizations, especially if the state does not have IT staff for network monitoring and maintenance.

However, there are a number of advanced methods of securing computer networks that business owners can implement today to ensure the security of their data and to build reliable protection against hackers and viruses.

  • Install Brandmauer and control its productivity
  • Update passwords at least once a quarter
  • Rely on extended endpoints
  • Create a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Train your employees
  • Filter and delete spam
  • Turn off computers when they are not in use
  • Encrypt your files
  • Make personal devices secure
  • Refer to specialists

Install Brandmauer and control its productivity

A Brandmauer is a piece of software or hardware designed to block unauthorized access to computers or networks. To put it simply, Brandmauer is a set of rules that governs incoming and outgoing network traffic. Computers and networks that "follow" the rules will be allowed in access points, and those that do not "do" will not have access to your system.

Brandmauers are becoming more and more sophisticated (along with hackers) and the most modern of these are integrated network security platforms. They combine many encryption approaches and methods that work in tandem with each other to prevent hacking.

Update passwords at least once a quarter

безопасность в сетиWe hope your employees know how to avoid memorizing passwords or phrases such as "Password", "12345", and Avis's dates of birth. In addition to using passwords that contain letters, symbols, and numbers, as well as uppercase letters, for added security, ask employees to regularly change any personal passwords used on systems that have access to business networks (your enterprise will have its own passwords, but many computers have personal passwords. Also allows the use of).

Let employees know that replacing letters with similarly shaped symbols when choosing passwords, for example "pa $$ w0rd" instead of "password" is a bad idea, hackers know about this trick.

Recommended periodicity of password change - at least once a quarter, but more often than not. But there is a fine line - too often changing passwords can cause confusion and force employees to turn to IT specialists to remember their username and password.

Note: Currently, many enterprises require two-factor authentication to connect to the network. In addition to entering the user name and password to connect to the system or Wi-Fi network, the user may need to enter a code that they will receive in text form or otherwise.

Rely on extended endpoint discovery

In the modern world, Advanced Endpoint Detection to respond to ever-evolving online threats is a technology that uses AI to detect and respond appropriately. The technology collects and analyzes information from network devices, threat analysis endpoints and channel logs, reveals security incidents, policy breaches, fraudulent activities and other threats. For faster response, these solutions use a high level of automation that enables the security service to quickly identify and respond to threats.

Signs of hacking include behavioral characteristics associated with malicious intrusion, malware, extortionists, and traditional virus-like behavior. Discovering and responding to endpoints is part of a modern multilevel approach to cybersecurity to protect against ever-changing cyber-attacks. This is a more complete method than antivirus software.

Create virtual personal network (VPN)

Due to the pandemic, millions of employees are working remotely today, so the number of registered cybercrimes has increased by 300% since the beginning of the spread of COVID-19. A VPN creates a much more secure connection between remotely running computers (home networks or computers that people use while traveling) and other "local" computers and servers.

These networks are essentially only accessible to people who need to have access to your systems, including your wireless system and devices that are authorized in your network configuration. A VPN can significantly reduce the likelihood that hackers will find an entry point and damage your system.

защита сети от взломаTrain the staff in computer security

All the tools and methods described above will not be of much use if the people who use your system do not follow the standard methods of computer security. To understand the importance of computer security, some organizations are required to train their staff in computer literacy. Employees are taught how to avoid serious security threats and may be your best weapon in the fight against cybercrime. And frequent reminders of risks and their reduction will help employees not to forget about safety.

Filter and delete spam

Phishing emails from hackers are designed to entice your employees to open them and click on sensational offers and links. Spam filters are significantly improved and need to be used. But even in this case emails can come in random spam, especially if the hacker is imitating someone you know, such as a professional colleague or the company you run a business with. Employees need to be prudent when using any spam filtering software. And this will help you to teach cyber hygiene to employees (see tips above).

Turn off computers when they are not in use

When is the last time you turn off your computer after a long day at work? When your computer is idle all night while connected to your company network, it becomes more visible and accessible to hackers. By turning off your computer, you restrict their access to your network. And if they already have access, you break their connection.

кибербезопасностьEncrypt your files

The thought of a hacker infiltrating your network is a serious cause for concern. And what will be their surprise when they find only nonsense there? Encryption can protect confidential data in Windows or macOS with software designed specifically to disguise your IP address. You can determine if there was a website using encryption if the address bar is "https" with a lock.

Protect personal devices

Employees are increasingly using their smartphones and other personal devices to access information at work, consider implementing a personal device usage policy to ensure that people adhere to security protocols. Some quick tips for protecting both personal information and confidential work data include turning off Bluetooth, refraining from using unprotected, commonly accessible Wi-Fi, and following the tips for harsh personal device passwords that you use for your work computer systems.

Contact for help

When managing your IT infrastructure within a company, you must make sure that you are properly protected from hacking and viruses. With all of these measures in place and ensuring that employees adhere to advanced practices, it is increasingly difficult to deal with recent cyber threats. It is enough for one employee who forgot to change the reserved configuration or who, when sent by someone, clicked on a seemingly simple link.

Perhaps the best way to overcome these problems is to turn to information security professionals, as they are always aware of the latest threats and their task is to make your systems as secure as possible.


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If you are interested in learning more about local network protection solutions, please contact us at our office for advice.

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