Protection against DDOS attacks

защита от DDoS-атаки

Today's “distributed denial-of-service” (DDoS) attacks are not at all like the attacks they made a few years ago, when most of them were simple, mass-produced demands aimed at causing panic and short-term disruption to the site or organization. The motives of the attacks become more refined, the methods more and more complicated, and the frequency of the attacks increases with geometric progression. This is especially true for automatic attacks, which allow malicious individuals to change the direction of attacks faster than traditional IT security solutions can respond to it.

Combining the size, frequency, and duration of modern attacks is a serious security and accessibility problem for any network organization. Waiting or even tens of minutes or even tens of minutes can significantly affect the performance of a basic service. When you combine these factors the victim faces a serious problem of safety and access to services. Here are seven rules you can and should do to protect your network from DDoS attacks

Develop your own DDoS attack response plan

These fraud prevention plans should include technical competencies as well as a comprehensive plan outlining how business operations should proceed in the event of a successful DDoS attack. The Incident Response Team should identify and document business liaison methods with key decision-makers, including all subdivisions of the organization, to ensure that key stakeholders are properly informed and properly consulted.

Find out the activity of DDoS-attacks

Large and mass DDoS-attacks are not the only form of DDoS-activity. Hackers typically launch short-range local attacks to test your network for stress and vulnerabilities within your security perimeter. Find out about network traffic patterns and pay attention to DDoS-attack protection solutions that detect real-time DDoS-attack traffic and instantly eliminate large and small DDoS-attacks.

Do not think that the problem is only large-scale mass attacks

Offenders are becoming more and more the malware, their goal is not only to harm the website, but also to divert the attention of IT security staff with low bandwidth. For example, a short-term DDoS attack is a more dangerous form of smuggling into the network, such as hacking programs. Such attacks are usually short-lived (less than 5 minutes) and local in nature, which means that they can easily be bitten by radars so that they can not be detected and monitored by traffic and even by some DDoS-attack protection systems.

Do not rely on traffic monitoring or threshold values

Sure, you can notice traffic jumps, but will you even be able to distinguish good traffic from bad? And what do you do if you see a surge in network activity? Will you be able to block only bad traffic if your network resources are still overloaded? Monitoring your traffic and setting threshold values ​​is not a form of protection, especially given that insufficiently saturated small attacks often go unnoticed due to the high values ​​of threshold triggers.

Do not rely on IPS or Brandmauer

Neither Invasion Prevention Systems (IPS) nor Brandmauer can protect you. Even an interdisciplinary screen that is said to have DDoS attack capabilities has only one method of blocking attacks: using indiscriminate threshold values. Reaching the threshold value will block all user programs and all users using this port, which will cause them to shut down. Malicious users know that this is an effective method of blocking legitimate users along with malicious users. This affects the availability of the network and consumer software, and thus, ultimately, the ultimate goal - the denial of service - is achieved.

Contact your safety equipment supplier

Many ISPs today offer DDoS attack plans either as a service for an additional fee or as a premium service. Find out if your ISP offers free or paid plans to protect you from DDoS attacks. But you should contact your ISP long before you are attacked; If you do not have protection against DDoS attacks and you are already being hacked, your ISP will probably not be able to immediately register and then block DDoS traffic to your site. Alternatively you can purchase a local or virtual product to protect against DDoS attacks. DDoS attacks have a variety of capabilities; Via a DDoS-based local defense device or virtual machine (VM). Be sure to look for extensive real-time analytics of DDoS security events and reports, as well as automatic elimination of results.

Combine risk elimination time with successful defense against attacks

When developing a fraud prevention plan or choosing a method of protection against DDoS attacks, the timing of the consequences should be a critical factor in your decision-making process. Keep in mind that DDoS-attack protection services can be a useful addition to the automatic DDoS-attack protection solution. However, the elimination service alone is not enough because:

  • Before launching the service, something or someone - a computer or a person - must detect an ongoing DDoS attack.
  • It takes 20-30 minutes to change direction for "bad" traffic, which can lead to more serious security breaches. Time during a DDoS attack is crucial. Whether it is waiting for a few minutes, tens of minutes or more, it is not enough to ensure access to or security of services.


DDoS-атакизащита от DDoS-атакиDDoS-атаки

If you are interested in learning more about DDoS attack protection solutions, please contact us at our office for advice.

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